At long last the new bow fitting has been permanently fastened to DORADE. Picture 1, 2 and 3 show the fairing of the hull and shaping of the bow piece to match. Picture 4 shows the custom through bolts that were fabricated. In picture 5 splines are glued in to some checks in the new oak stem. Note the old cove stripe details. In picture 6 we see the deck backing plate. This is a mighty strong fitting indeed! In picture 7 Chet is carefully bedding the bronze to the fresh paint. Picture 8 is a good shot of what is underneath the fitting, note the recess at the upper part of the stem. A tab welded on to the inside of bronze fitting inserts into this mortise to prevent any side to side movement. Picture 9 shows the hull and the fitting. The cap rail blends beautifully and the new carvings for the cove stripe detail really bring the boat back to her original look. In picture 10 you can see the pad eye that has been fabricated to cover the through bolt heads. This pad eye was placed here to enable a tack line, lead block for the genoa, a down hall for the spin pole and a general clip off point for halyards. Picture 11 is a nice detail shot of the fitting. Well done boys!