The ambitious program consisted of seven races off the southern coast of Australia, including the formidable Rolex Sydney Hobart Race in December 2017. The team kicked off its campaign on August 4, 2017 with the Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race . Later that month, Dorade heads to the Whitsunday Islands for Audi Hamilton Island Race Week followed by the Gaffers Day Race, the Bass Island Race and the Bird Island Race in Sydney in October and November. The campaign wraps up at the end of December with its pinnacle event, the Rolex Sydney Hobart.


Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race - 3rd in IRC

Audi Hamilton Island Race Week - 2nd in IRC

Gaffers Day Race - 1st in Bermudian 1 PurHC Div

Bass Island Race -

Bird Island Race - 15th in IRC

Rolex Sydney Hobart - 2nd IRC, 2nd ORCi Div 4

Campaign Photos

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