Dorade is back in the water! (Ahead of schedule)
The results of the winter efforts in optimizing Dorade for its repeat this year of its 1931 Transatlantic and Fastnet Races is almost complete.
These two Races will complete Dorade’s “Return to Blue Water Series”, which will have repeated all of Dorade’s early historical races. This set of races, 1930 Newport – Bermuda Race, 1931 Transatlantic Race, 1931 Fastnet Race and 1936 Transpacific Race established Dorade and her designer, Olin Stephens with his brother, Rod, in the yachting world.
Dorade was re-launched on Thursday ahead of schedule. Dorade’s entire crew is looking forward to seeing the results of all the hard work.
Chewy asks, “You da man (Hannah)! But in all seriousness, after two 10 hour days, Lisa was wondering how you do it with such nice nails. Anyway, congratulations!”
Dorade in the travel lift ready for launch.