Time is flying on our way to launch DORADE, here comes probably the last update before the launch later this coming week.
Brightwork Deck
Good thing we pushed hard to make the deadline 04/12 – it allowed us this week to pick a few areas and go for one more coat: cockpit, some areas of the cabin house and the hatch framing all got one more coat. Last areas were varnished with AWLwood today after we were “banned” from the boat itself for three days to allow for painting of the waterways and the Baltoplate bottom paint to be spayed.
By now all hatches are back installed on deck, this coming week some more deck hardware will go back on – Nick is on a mission…!
The two wooden spinnaker poles got their leather back on (Nick has gotten really good at working the leather), the poles are back in their travel bags and already in the new container.
Then main mast and both booms got prepared throughout the week for their final coat of varnish, both the mizzen and main boom got varnished today, they need minor assembly but that will be done “on the side”.
The main mast is only varnished half way and is missing its final coat between gooseneck and S3 – we simply ran out of daylight today by 7:30. We will definitely finish laying that final coat tomorrow (Monday) so that all varnish can properly cure and the mast can be taken out of the shed by as early as Wednesday for RigPro to start dressing it.
The spreaders and jumpers are “in the works” and all have two coats of varnish on, but we need to have one more coat, they are doing a hard job and get beaten up quiet a bit. And then they need paint on the top – the “two-tone paint scheme” makes a lot of sense but lengthens the maintenance. In the future smaller items such a spreaders, poles and even booms will be varnished and serviced right after they come off the boat so that they don’t have to be dealt with when the big race to launch happens.
This will be the main focus this coming week, we identified and prioritized what needs to be done – items such as shelves, some minor items in the galley, mast cover and some paint touch ups are on the list.
Canvas work
We kicked of on-board storage solution for pig-sticks and wind sock. Also some curtains for the glass door cabinets. A second inner cover for the sail locker is also on the list.
We then looked at the sail covers for both main and mizzen. Both covers have several smaller holes, some fraying stitching and open seams. In general both covers appear to be worn (they probably have around 1,000 days on them). After comparing the estimates for repair and re-stitching of the current covers to get one, maybe two more seasons out of them versus the cost of new covers, we have kicked off a set of new covers which will look proper and representative once DORADE is in Europe. Have not ordered any repair of the existing covers as they can still be used until the start of the Transatlantic Race and whenever the boat is idling for a few weeks.
Once DORADE is back in the water we will then look into the canvas for hatches, the cover for the load cell on the main (similar design to mast boots) and functionality of the lee cloths. Also the bags for some of the spinnaker poles need re-stitching.
Essentially the two big items “Deck Brightwork” and “Spars” are done, but we now have to follow up on all the small items we still have on various lists (backstay load cell toggle, comp way landing, mast top details, follow up on canvas etc…). Nick has on taking responsibility for the containers, Nick will be in charge of moving all items that go to Europe into the new container, inventorying them, work with the shipping agent including the carnet. We have started to built a list of materials that we want to outfit the “work shop” inside the new container with, we are slowly stocking up on what we will need in the UK.
Deck Brightwork and new decks completed.
Hull faired and repainted with Baltoplate bottom paint.
Hull faired and repainted with Baltoplate bottom paint.
Spreaders and Jumpers “in the works”. All have two coats of varnish.
Bottom step of main companionway repaired and ready to be re-installed.