After arriving here in Mallorca to welcoming hands and attitudes of the captain, Hannah, and the other nipper, Tim, I could not wait to get to work on Dorade. The excitement and inspiration of Dorade seemed to overcome any jet lag I was expecting. Finally Monday arrived and the long anticipated work had begun. Through the week the beautification process began, the rigs received their coat of varnish, topsides were being painted, teak deck planks were being prepared, and the stairway to heaven got prepped for new varnish. I learned this week that every minute I spend with Dorade she teaches me something new about her soul and I fall deeper in love. Dorade pulls inspiration out of me. I found that, just like grandma’s cooking, (grandpa in my case), the more love I put into my work the better it comes out. A much loved boat is a happy boat, and a happy boat is a fast boat!