DORADE will carry a complete set of brand new Meissner winches for her racing. Gord Laco of R&W Traditional Rigging and Outfitting set up this order for us with this the classic division of Holmatro Marine Equipment. Widely regarded as top of the line hardware in the classic racing circuit, Meissner does not disappoint the eye inside and out. The gearing is as elegant as the drum. Each winch is engraved with DORADE 1929. The primary winches were sized by Greg and Kyle to be much stronger than the old set. They are one size larger than the primary winches on STORMY. These beauties are up to the task, and they do not override when sheeted directly from the rail! Tom has been working long hours on the installation. Very precise holes must be bored over quite long distances. He is setting half inch bolts that are 12 inches long. All the preliminary work on backing plates and fastener sizing has paid off, and the work has gone quite smoothly. The on deck sailing winches are down! Dan is forward working thru the complexities of setting the electric winch. Standby for photos of the complete set of new winches on the spars!