The interior is being fitted with a new cabin sole. During her refit in Italy, DORADE’S sole was built out of a tropical hardwood. This type of wood not only seemed untraditional but is quite heavy. So with our eyes on weight savings and authenticity, we have Sam constructing a new cabin sole out of quarter sawn Douglas Fir. The removable panels are being glued up with marine plywood splines. The groove for the splines does not extend to the edge of the floor boards so that no plywood is visible. The lift out sections will allow good access to bilge space and tankage. In the galley area the floor boards will not be tight seamed to allow water to drain into the bilge. This will allow the main cabin to stay a bit dryer during wet offshore passages. The new sole should make a big difference in the overall look of the interior. The Douglas Fir will provide a nice contrast to the dark Mahogany paneling.