Dorade Binnacle
Dorade has replaced it long lost 1931 Transatlantic Binnacle and Compass.
Considerable time was spend researching the various binnacle and compass alternatives before identified the best way to handle this project. And there was much time discussing it in detail, making sure the “T’s” were crossed and the “I’s” dotted, to get a workable plan. The year-long effort was and transcontinental.
Joel Jacobs of Land and Sea Collection in Florida first source an appropriate vintage binnacle. Then the binnacle traveled to San Francisco to Rick Biro of Biro & Sons for expert restoration of the binnacle’s brass shell. Thereafter, the restored binnacle what shipped to Howard Maglathlin of Viking Instruments in Kingston, MA to source and fit both an historical accurate compass and re-produce the Ritche 32 point fisherman style compass card.
The compass dimensions details are:
Donor Compass Ca 1929 bezel
Diameter trunions tip-to-tip 8 inches
Diameter of bezel 6 inches
Compass card 5” (actual 4.75 inches)
Thanks Rich Biro of Biro & Sons in San Francisco, CA, Joel Jacobs of Land and Sea Collection in Palm City, FL and Howard Maglathlin of Viking Instruments in Kingston, MA. And thanks to Doug Adkins for his consultation.