The main rig is going back into Dorade this morning (the mizzen was not un-stepped for Irene). Dorade is ready to launch thereafter. All is looking good for the MOY Regatta event this weekend.
Dorade will likely leave the LMI yard dock for IYRS dock with Kyle, Mariah and Matt first thing tomorrow, barring any unforeseen hang-ups. We have requested an end slip at IYRS dock, as we are still unsure of Dorade’s prowess under motor. We don’t want to be back-up into a corner unnecessarily. Dorade will also have its maintenance / storage trailer near-by the IYRS dock.
All rooms for the out-of-town crew have been sorted out by Kyle as well. For the MOY Regatta, Dorade will be provisioned with crew lunches according to the preferences that have been provided. Ample crew gear will be available. Please let Kyle know if there is anything that additionally needs to be taken care of.
Looking forward to a great regatta!