June 2, 2012 was Graduation Day at the International Yacht Restoration School (IYRS) at the Newport, RI campus. As part of the graduation activities, it was also Launch Day for the Dorade Tender of the IYRS dock.
The Dorade Tender looked great out on the water on Launch Day as Tom Cahir and Kelly Crawford, two of the IYRS graduating students who were part of the team that built the tender, rowed around the harbor through the less than ideal weather. The missing member is Jamie Kirschner. He had family to entertain, so he was unable to join them for that ride. They were all going to sail on Sunday but it was much too windy.
They each signed the thwarts they made. Kelly signed forward, Tom signed the midship, and Jamie signed the aft thwart.
The Tender will be on display at the IYRS Newport, RI campus throughout the summer.
– Jen McNally, IYRS