From Dick Enersen [email protected]
Swiftsure Race, early 60s. The course leaves Brochy Ledge off Victoria and goes out the Straits of Juan de Fuca. This requires avoiding Race Rocks, which lie off Vancouver Island and do not have a required side. As the boat approaches the rocks, hard on the wind, G. Franklin Eddy (the then owner of Dorade) is steering. Leon McIntyre, the boat keeper, is on the foredeck and yells aft, “There are three ways to get past Race Rocks, and this course isn’t one of them.”
The Franklin responds, briskly, “Leon, you take care of your end of the boat and I’ll take care of mine.” Very soon the keel smashes into a rock, stopping the yacht and sending the crew sprawling. Franklin peels himself off the spokes and asks, “Is everything okay?”
Leon responds, “Well, Franklin, my end is clear.”