Thanks for the drawings.
I like the “Stormy Weather Type” on the right much better than
the 1931 on the left. (Almost a 6 meter configuration.)
The following are my few initial comments:
1. It is interesting to see how close the Stormy Weather
Type geometry is to what I proposed.
The Spreader/Diamond heights are essentially the same.
The Spreader lengths are mostly the same. The only notable
difference is that the Diamonds at 3.50 are the same length
as the 1936 before “S3” was reduced.
We are reaching consensus on Spreader/Diamond Heights and lengths!!!
2. What Jumper Geometry is proposed? Can they be added to the Section?
3. It can be tricky to end the jumper rigging between spreaders.
4. What Runner Checkstay arrangement is proposed?
5. I would slide the Inner Forestay forward so it’s J is 11.0′.
I am curious to get Mike’s comments.