This week has been very busy for Dorade. She has been sailing every day with her crew, while Nick tunes up, assembles and organizes gear on and off the boat. I have been cranking along in the evenings after school picking up where Nick leaves off. I am learning a lot and taking everything as it comes, doing my best to figure things out and solve puzzles.
School is coming to a close at IYRS with only 2 weeks to go until graduation for my class. The momentum has been slowly building over the last few months as launch day grows imminently nearer and the reality of our deadline bolsters itself higher each week. It is bittersweet to leave IYRS as I will surely miss the healthy community and lifestyle affiliated, though I am so excited to take the road ahead of me with Dorade. The IYRS period of my life has been as momentous as any and has positively affected me personally while influencing my horizons tremendously. I certainly couldn’t be happier with where it has landed me.
After graduating, I will be able to start accompanying Nick in working full time while shifting my full attention to Dorade. Hopefully my blogs can become a little more interesting as my investment in this boat grows drastically. This week has been filled with a lot of lashing, organizing, cleaning, and unveiling new mini projects as things get unpacked from last season and analyzed.